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11.32 | 0 Comments
Pemain MU 'Bonyok Kena Bom' Beredar di Internet
Jakarta - Ada-ada saja tanggapan sejumlah orang dalam menanggapi aksi pengeboman dua hotel mewah, JW. Marriot dan Ritz Carlton, yang membuat kedatangan Manchester United ke Jakarta batal.
Pasca aksi ledakan tersebut, beredar foto para pemain MU yang babak belur habis dihajar bom. Mereka yang bonyok tersebut adalah Wayne Rooney, Park Ji Sung, ALex Ferguson dan Michael Carrick.
Sejatinya, gambar tersebut adalah foto yang dijadikan bahan iklan oleh operator telekomunikasi '3' sebagai sponsor utama. Fergie tampak masih menggunakan jas, sedangkan ketiga pemainnya menggunakan batik ala Indonesia. Sementara di bagian kiri gambar terdapat sebuah foto gedung yang tengah terbakar akibat dibom.
Foto nyeleneh tersebut kini wara-wiri di internet. Mulai dari milist, blog hingga situs jejaring sosial Facebook ikut memajang foto pemain MU yang bonyok tersebut.
Entah siapa yang pertama kali membuat foto tersebut. Namun yang pasti, rombongan MU sendiri diduga kuat akan batal datang ke Jakarta untuk pertandingan eksebisi dengan tim Indonesia All Star.
15.35 | 0 Comments
Diusung Jadi Menkominfo, Apa Tanggapan Onno Purbo?
Jakarta - Ribuan warga Facebook ramai-ramai menggusung Onno W. Purbo sebagai calon Menkominfo berikutnya. Lalu bagaimana tanggapan sang pendekar TI yang dicalonkan tersebut?
Ternyata, Onno lebih memilih untuk tidak berspekulasi. Siapapun yang bakal menjadi Menkominfo di kabinet berikutnya, ia serahkan kepada sang presiden yang terpilih nanti.
Dikatakan Onno, banyaknya dukungan yang masuk ke Facebook kepada dirinya merupakan suatu hal yang patut disyukuri. Mantan dosen ITB ini pun sangat berterima kasih kepada mereka yang menyuarakan dukungannya tersebut.
"Namun, di sisi lain, yang yang punya hak untuk memilih menteri adalah presiden bukan (minta maaf) rakyat Facebook," ujar pria humoris ini kepada detikINET, Kamis (16/7/2009), tanpa menjelaskan lebih lanjut apa ia bersedia atau tidak jika ditawarkan posisi Menkominfo kepadanya.
Onno pun mempunyai sejumlah kriteria penting untuk sosok Menkominfo baru nantinya. Menurutnya, posisi pimpinan baik itu presiden maupun menteri haruslah mempunyai visi yang jelas dan penguasaan lapangan yang baik.
"Kalau kata pepatah a leader is one who knows the way, shows the way and goes the way," jelasnya.
Dengan kata lain sosok tersebut harus tahu permasalahan, peran, dan jalan keluar yang akan diambil Depkominfo nantinya untuk memajukan dunia teknologi informasi dan komunikasi Indonesia.
Berdasarkan pengamatan terakhir detikINET, pendukung halaman 'Onno W. Purbo for Menkominfo' di Facebook sudah bertambah dengan cepat. Jumlahnya tak tanggung-tanggung, yakni telah lebih dari 4.600 fans.
15.31 | 0 Comments
3 Langkah 'Menambal' Celah Keamanan Microsoft

Jakarta - Kini pihak Microsoft tengah lakukan investigasi, terkait masalah kerentanan pada Microsoft Video ActiveX Control. Pasalnya para 'dedemit maya' telah sukses menembus celah kemanan, melalui sistem tersebut.
ActiveX controls sendiri adalah sistem Microsoft yang memungkinkan distribusi aplikasi yang bekerja di internet melalui web browser. Contohnya aplikasi untuk mengumpulkan data, melihat file dan mendisplay animasi ataupun video berbasis internet.
Berdasar keterangan resmi dari Microsoft, Selasa (07/07/209) mengenai update keamanan terbaru mereka, yakni Microsoft Security Advisory (972890), berikut ini adalah 3 langkah untuk 'menambal' lubang tersebut:
1. Kunjungi Situs Microsoft
2. Download file dari Microsoft berikut ini.
3. Setelah selesai mengunduh segera jalankan file .msi tersebut untuk menonaktifkan ActiveX control. Untuk mengembalikan settingan awal, download dan jalankan file .msi dari link 'Disable workaround' tersebut.
Dibawah ini adalah daftar sistem operasi Microsoft yang sangat rentan tersebut:
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 :
- Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition (32-bit x86)
- Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition (32-bit x86)
- Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition (32-bit x86)
- Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Web Edition
- Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Datacenter x64 Edition
- Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise x64 Edition
- Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard x64 Edition
- Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
- Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition for Itanium-Based Systems
- Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition for Itanium-based Systems
Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 :
- Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
- Microsoft Windows XP Professional
- Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
- Microsoft Windows XP Professional
15.21 | 0 Comments
Robot Biker Handal Kendarai Motor
London - Perkenalkan Flossie, sebuah robot biker yang handal mengendarai motor. Robot besutan perusahaan pelumas Castrol ini jelas berbeda dari para biker kalangan manusia.
Dengan bodi besinya, dalam segala cuaca, panas atau dingin, Flossie tidak bakal merasa lelah. Bahkan dalam kecepatan yang ekstrim sekalipun, si robot juga tetap stabil di tempatnya.
Dikutip detikINET dari Cnet, Rabu (22/7/2009), Castrol memakai Flossie sebagai sarana uji coba produk pelumasnya. Flossie dikatakan dapat mengendarai berbagai jenis motor termasuk skuter. Si robot pun dapat belajar sendiri soal sistem gigi motor, kopling dan sebagainya.
Castrol mengklaim Flossie adalah pengendara motor yang tidak ugal-ugalan. Namun sejauh ini, Flossie masih ngendon di pabrik Castrol di wilayah Inggris untuk mengetahui bagaimana performa pelumas yang dihasilkan di sana. Masih dibutuhkan waktu sampai Flossie benar-benar mampu mandiri mengendarai motor.
Tidak dijelaskan apakah Flossie nantinya bakal meluncur di jalanan umum dan bersaing ngebut dengan para pengendara motor manusia.
15.16 | 0 Comments
Kamis, 23 Juli 2009 | 03:13 WIB
Jakarta, Kompas -
Hasil sementara di 12 provinsi, pasangan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono-Boediono unggul dengan 59,73 persen suara.
Juru bicara pasangan Jusuf Kalla-Wiranto, Indra Piliang, dan Koordinator Hukum dan Advokasi Tim Mega-Prabowo, Gayus Lumbuun, menegaskan, pasangan Megawati Soekarnoputri-Prabowo dan Jusuf Kalla-Wiranto berencana menggugat daftar pemilih tetap (DPT) ke Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK). Tim mereka juga menemukan keanehan pada sertifikat berita acara rekapitulasi Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) daerah.
Rekapitulasi penghitungan suara pilpres diselenggarakan di Kantor KPU, Jakarta, mulai Rabu (22/7) hingga Jumat besok. Rapat rekapitulasi dipimpin Ketua KPU Abdul Hafiz Anshary dan dihadiri semua anggota KPU, KPU provinsi, Badan Pengawas Pemilu, Panitia Pengawas Pemilu provinsi, saksi pasangan calon, dan lembaga pemantau.
Pasangan Yudhoyono-Boediono memperoleh 26.215.083 suara dan unggul di sembilan provinsi. Posisi berikutnya ditempati Megawati-Prabowo dengan 11.361.355 suara (25,88 persen) yang menang di satu provinsi. Posisi akhir ditempati Jusuf Kalla-Wiranto dengan 6.316.178 suara (14,39 persen) dan menjadi pengumpul suara terbesar di dua provinsi.
Pasangan Yudhoyono-Boediono juga menang di provinsi yang pada pemilu legislatif lalu dikuasai PDI-P sebagai partai pendukung utama Megawati-Prabowo, yaitu Bangka Belitung, Kalimantan Barat, dan Kalimantan Tengah.
Proses rekapitulasi berjalan lancar, nyaris tanpa protes dari saksi pasangan capres-cawapres. Pembahasan persoalan yang cukup panjang hanya terjadi untuk DPT dan logistik Provinsi Riau yang diajukan saksi Jusuf Kalla-Wiranto, Chairuman Harahap, dan saksi Megawati-Prabowo, Abdul Harris Bobihoe. Perdebatan itu berakhir setelah KPU dan KPU Riau menjelaskan perkara yang dipersoalkan.
Kondisi ini jauh berbeda dari pelaksanaan rekapitulasi pemilu legislatif lalu yang banyak dihujani protes dari beberapa saksi partai. Dalam rekapitulasi pilpres, semua kondisi itu tidak terjadi. Semua anggota KPU dan saksi terlihat santai.
Hal itu berkebalikan dengan proses pengamanan yang ketat. Barang bawaan pengunjung diperiksa dua kali oleh polisi, sedangkan pengecekan identitas diri dilakukan setidaknya hingga empat kali. Polisi pun berjaga di seluruh sudut Gedung KPU. Sinyal telepon seluler di dalam ruang rekapitulasi pun diacak.
Koordinator Nasional Komite Pemilih Indonesia Jeirry Sumampow mengatakan, kelancaran proses rekapitulasi itu karena proses penghitungan dalam pilpres jauh lebih sederhana dibandingkan dengan pemilu legislatif. Jajaran KPU di tingkat bawah tidak kerepotan melakukan penghitungan suara.
Saksi pasangan Megawati-Prabowo, Arif Wibowo, mengaku kaget dengan sertifikat berita acara rekapitulasi pilpres dari semua KPU provinsi yang baik dan bersih dari berbagai kejanggalan seperti yang terjadi dalam pemilu legislatif. ”Ini aneh. Saya tidak yakin KPPS (Kelompok Penyelenggara Pemungutan Suara) mampu mengisi berita acara dan sertifikat penghitungan suara dengan baik,” katanya.
Arif mencurigai rapinya berita acara dan sertifikat acara itu untuk menutupi berbagai pelanggaran penyelenggaraan pemilu, seperti adanya spanduk sosialisasi yang mengarahkan pemilih mencentang pasangan nomor urut 2, surat suara yang sudah tercentang untuk pasangan nomor urut 2, serta contoh formulir C-1 atau rekapitulasi penghitungan suara tingkat tempat pemungutan suara (TPS) yang juga menguntungkan capres-cawapres nomor 2.
Secara terpisah, Indra dan Gayus menyambut pendapat MK sebagai angin segar bagi pasangan capres-cawapres untuk mempersoalkan masalah DPT dalam pilpres 8 Juli lalu.
Indra mengatakan, pendapat Wakil Ketua MK Abdul Mukhtie Fadjar terkait dengan kekisruhan DPT merupakan pendapat positif. ”Sengketa hasil terbatas pada perolehan suara, tetapi seharusnya juga terkait dengan penyelenggaraan pilpres. Angin segar bagi proses penyelidikan pelaksanaan pilpres,” katanya.
Indra mengatakan, tim JK- Wiranto akan mendukung gugatan yang akan diajukan pasangan Mega-Prabowo. ”Dari awal rencananya memang ke sana. Kami dengar pasangan Mega-Prabowo akan mengajukan gugatan. Kami, pasangan JK-Win, akan mendukung gugatan itu. Kami akan juga menyediakan data. Kami berpikir sebaiknya gugatan itu dijadikan satu,” kata Indra.
Gayus mengatakan, tim hukum Mega-Prabowo sedang menyiapkan berbagai hal kecurangan yang banyak terjadi di TPS. ”DPT banyak yang tidak sesuai dengan keadaan. Bahkan, kami menemukan ada daerah yang masih menggunakan DPT tahun 2004,” katanya.
Gayus dan Indra meminta MK tidak hanya memerhatikan soal selisih suara, tetapi juga memerhatikan prosedur yang salah sehingga mendapatkan hasil yang salah. ”Demokrasi seharusnya jangan tidak memerhatikan asas jurdil. Dari prosedur yang bermasalah sehingga mendapatkan hasil yang salah itu juga harus diperhatikan,” kata Gayus.
Pada kesempatan terpisah, Tim Kampanye Nasional Mega- Prabowo meyakini pilpres berlangsung dua putaran sebab berdasarkan hitungan mereka dan temuan di lapangan, perolehan pasangan Yudhoyono-Boediono tidak mencapai 50 persen.
Tim Kampanye Mega-Prabowo menyampaikan pernyataan itu dalam konferensi pers di Jakarta, Rabu. Hadir Fadli Zon (sekretaris umum), Hasto Kristiyanto (sekretaris II), Gayus Lumbuun (koordinator tim hukum), dan Arteria Dahlan (kuasa hukum). ”Setelah kami hitung, per hari ini, suara Pak SBY tidak mencapai 50 persen,” kata Arteria.
15.07 | 0 Comments
Ibrahim Masih Hilang
Kamis, 23 Juli 2009 | 03:13 WIB
Hal tersebut masih menyisakan misteri soal sosok Ibrahim atau Ibrohim sehingga polisi masih akan terus menelusuri keberadaannya. Apalagi, berdasarkan hasil uji forensik kepolisian, Ibrahim tidak ditemukan di antara jenazah di lokasi kejadian.
”Dia (Ibrahim) masih hilang sampai saat ini,” kata Kepala Divisi Humas Mabes Polri Inspektur Jenderal Nanan Soekarna, Rabu (22/7) di Jakarta Media Center, Bellagio, Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan.
Hasil penelitian tim Disaster Victim Investigation (DVI) menyatakan, uji deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) yang dilakukan terhadap dua keluarga, yaitu keluarga Nur Sahid (di Temanggung, Jawa Tengah) dan keluarga Ibrahim (di Kuningan, Jawa Barat), dengan DNA potongan tubuh yang ditemukan di tempat kejadian perkara tidak cocok. Polisi kini menyebarkan sketsa dua wajah orang yang diduga pelaku bom bunuh diri.
Nanan mengatakan, sketsa yang dibuat berasal dari dua tubuh yang ditemukan di tempat yang berbeda, yaitu di Hotel JW Marriott dan Ritz-Carlton.
”Setidaknya pemilik tubuh ini (yang ditemukan di Marriott) pernah berada di kamar hotel itu,” kata Kepala Pusat Laboratorium Forensik (Puslabfor) Polri Brigjen (Pol) Eddy Saparwoko.
Secara terpisah, Direktur Humas Hotel Ritz-Carlton Jakarta Els Ramadhinta menegaskan, Ibrahim bukan karyawan hotel itu. ”Ibrahim adalah karyawan vendor, outsourcing, yang menata bunga di hotel,” kata Els.
Andi Suhandi (40), teman kerja dan satu kontrakan Ibrahim, mengatakan, rekannya tidak pernah bermasalah dalam pekerjaan. ”Saya terakhir ketemu Rabu (15/7) di Ritz-Carlton,” kata Andi, teman satu kontrakan di Jalan Ex Auri, Kuningan, Jakarta.
Andi menambahkan, sejak Minggu hingga Selasa, dia diperiksa polisi terkait hilangnya Ibrahim. Menurut Andi, Ibrahim pindah ke Condet, Jakarta Timur, sejak dua bulan lalu.
Dalam rangka penelusuran jejak Ibrahim, polisi telah menggeledah rumahnya di Jalan Cililitan Kecil, Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur, Selasa lalu pukul 20.30-21.00.
Menurut Nawawi (70), tetangga samping rumah Ibrahim, polisi menggeledah seluruh ruangan, baik di lantai bawah maupun di lantai atas. Di tembok sisi selatan lantai dua rumah tampak satu sketsa bangunan gedung bertingkat. Di sisi kanan sketsa tergantung pula satu kaus oblong putih bertuliskan ”The Ritz- Carlton” dalam huruf-huruf hijau tua.
Salah satu petunjuk tentang siapa Ibrahim juga diketahui dari buku rapor SD-nya. Dia lahir di Jakarta, 6 Mei 1972, dan terlahir sebagai anak keempat dari ayah bernama A Rodhin Dja’far.
Menurut Nawawi, rumah itu mulai ditinggal kosong sejak dilanda banjir pada awal Februari 2007. ”Rumah itu kosong baru dua tahun,” katanya.
Dalam perkembangan lain, Sucihani, istri Ibrahim, di Kuningan, Jawa Barat, masih menanti kabar keberadaan suaminya itu. ”Kami belum mendapat kabar apa pun tentang keberadaannya,” kata Sucihani di Dusun Kliwon, Desa Sampora, Cilimus, Kuningan.
Ayah empat anak itu pindah ke Jakarta sekitar empat tahun lalu. Nama pada KTP dan berbagai dokumen sekolahnya adalah Ibrohim, bukan Ibrahim panggilan sehari-harinya.
Suci terakhir kali berkontak dengan Ibrahim lewat telepon seluler pada Kamis (16/7). Saat itu Ibrahim tidak memberi pesan atau tanda-tanda apa pun. Ia hanya menanyakan tentang hari pertama anak-anaknya masuk sekolah.
Rabu pagi, polisi menangkap dua perempuan warga Cilacap, Jawa Tengah. Keduanya adalah Arina Rahma dan ibunya, Tuti. Kedua anak balita Arina juga turut bersama ibunya. Penangkapan polisi tersebut dilengkapi dengan surat penangkapan, yang telah diterima pihak keluarga.
Ahmad Kholik, perwakilan Tim Pengacara Muslim, menyebutkan, dalam dua surat penangkapan yang ditandatangani oleh Kepala Detasemen Khusus 88 Antiteror Mabes Polri Brigadir Jenderal (Pol) Saut Usman Nasution, tertera keduanya hendak diperiksa terkait dugaan memberikan bantuan bagi pelaku tindak pidana terorisme.
Arina merupakan anak Bahrudin Latief, warga Cilacap yang dicari polisi pascapenangkapan Saefudin Zuhri, Juni lalu di Cilacap. Polisi juga mencari pria misterius, suami Arina. Polisi dan warga mencurigai pria misterius itu sebagai Noordin M Top.
Menurut Kholik, Bahrudin sekeluarga pergi ke Yogyakarta dan Ngawi saat Zuhri—masih kerabat—ditangkap polisi. Ketika berada di Ngawi, Bahrudin pergi meninggalkan Arina dan Tuti, istrinya.
”Dia bilang mau kembali ke Cilacap. Keperluannya apa, istri dan anaknya tidak tanya-tanya lagi,” kata Kholik.
Nanan mengakui, polisi telah memeriksa sejumlah orang yang diduga terkait dengan jaringan Noordin M Top. Saat ditanya apakah yang diperiksa tersebut adalah Arina dan Tuti, Nanan mengaku belum mengetahuinya.
Hasil identifikasi tim DVI, dua jenazah yang diduga pelaku bunuh diri berciri sebagai berikut: jenazah di Hotel Ritz-Carlton berkulit sawo matang, berusia 20-40 tahun, tinggi badan sekitar 165 sentimeter, berambut hitam, lurus, dan pendek.
Jenazah di Hotel JW Marriott berusia 16-17 tahun, berkulit putih dan berambut hitam pendek, tinggi badan 180-190 cm. Warga yang mengetahui identitas kedua orang dalam sketsa itu bisa menghubungi nomor telepon 081383950059/0217256586.
Nanan juga menjelaskan, Mabes Polri telah menginstruksikan kepolisian wilayah untuk memperketat jalur-jalur transportasi angkutan orang dan barang yang selama ini diduga digunakan sebagai jalur keluar masuk kelompok yang terkait dengan Jemaah Islamiyah. Termasuk di perbatasan Sulawesi Utara dengan Provinsi Mindanao, Filipina selatan, yang selama ini diketahui sebagai tempat pelatihan militer kelompok Noordin M Top.
Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik Hukum dan Keamanan Widodo AS, Rabu, meminta agar para pengamat tidak berkomentar macam-macam menanggapi pidato Presiden pascaledakan bom.
15.00 | 0 Comments
Sex Education, Baiknya Mulai Usia Empat Tahun
SEMUDA mungkin anak mestinya diberi pendidikan seks. Asosiasi Keluarga Berencana di Inggris mengungkapkan bahwa mulai usia empat tahun anak sebaiknya diberi pendidikan seks. Ini dimaksudkan untuk menekan angka aborsi dan infeksi penyakit menular seksual di antara para remaja.
Asosiasi ini berpendapat, bahwa pendidikan yang bertingkat mengenai seksualitas akan membantu anak-anak untuk paham dengan alat reproduksi dan yang terkait dengan seksualitasnya. Departemen Anak, Sekolah dan Keluarga mengatakan bahwa anak-anak mesti diajari mengenal bagian tubuhnya dan perbedaan-perbedaan mendasar antara seksualitas pria dan wanita juga hubungan di antara keduanya.
Sampai saat ini pemerintah tidak memberikan informasi yang memadai mengenai seks dan hubungan antarmanusia. Karena itu "Banyak anak muda melakukan hubungan seks untuk mencari tahu bagaimana rasanya," ungkap Simon Blake, Direktur eksekutif Asosiasi Keluarga Berencana Inggris.
Menurut Simon, banyak buktinya ketika seorang anak mengenal pendidikan seks dan hubungan antarmanusia sejak awal, sebelum seorang anak mengalami masa pubertas, sebelum mereka merasakan atrakasi seksual, mereka akan menunda hubungan seks atau tidak buru-buru ingin melakukan hubungan seks.
"Mereka lebih sadar untuk menggunakan kontrasepsi dan menjalankan seks secara aman."Seorang remaja usia enam belas tahun, sebut saja Bethany dari Norwich menyebutkan bahwa dia tidak mengerti konsekuensi melakukan hubungan seks di usia muda.
"Saya tidak tahu bahwa saya bakal bisa hamil," ujarnya. "Saya pikir pengenalan seksualitas dalam pendidikan seks akan membatu kami seperti saya menghadapi hal ini."
Lembaga sosial ini menyebutkan bahwa pendidikan seks dasar yang diberikan dalam pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan saat ini tidak cukup memadai. Mereka menginginkan adanya kurikulum khusus mengenai seks dan hubungan antarmanusia sebagai mata pelajaran wajib di sekolah-sekolah Inggris setara dengan mata pelajaran lain seperti matematika, bahasa Inggris.
Departemen Anak, Sekolah dan Keluarga mengatakan bahwa pendidikan seks dan hubungan antarmanusia yang efektif merupakan hal yang esensial untuk anak muda agar mereka memiliki pilihan yang aman dan menyehatkan atas hidupnya. Dan tentu saja agar kehamilan di usia muda dan infeksi penyakit menular dapat dicegah.
Seorang juru bicara departemen menambahkan bahwa para penasihat pemerintahan akan merekomendasikan kebijakan ini kepada pemerintah untuk menjadi sebuah kebijakan baru bulan depan.
14.56 | 0 Comments
jakarta news
Rivandra Royono
After the Bombings, What Yudhoyono Should Have Said
My brother was at the JW Marriott Hotel at the exact time of the bombing on Friday. He was on the floor right above the lobby when the nightmare unfolded. He was not injured, and I was more relieved than I had ever been in my life. I could only imagine his shock, and then I thought about those who died in the explosions and I couldn’t even dare to imagine how their loved ones must have felt.
Nearly a dozen people died. Dozens were seriously injured. Hundreds of us were in total shock. Millions of us grew scared and enraged.
Yet as Indonesia grieves, this great nation has also been left confused over what to make of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s word in his first press conference after the twin bombings. Granted, the president carried himself very well through most of his speech. He condemned the bombings outright, sending a very clear message that there is no room to justify the abhorrent acts. He acknowledged the grief and suffering of the victims’ families, and only a few people would say that he was not personally and genuinely pained by the tragedy.
The president pledged a full-blown investigation, promising that the culprits would pay for the heinous crime and bear the full weight of the law. He rightly recognized the work of the law enforcers who had successfully prevented acts of terrorism many times in the past, yet pointed out that the bombings served as a reminder that there were still cracks in the security system that desperately needed to be fixed.
But there was a large part of SBY’s statement I wish he had not made. He dedicated significant time to insinuating that the bombings might have some connection to the unofficial result of the presidential election. He further implied that the act of terror might have been politically motivated and personally directed at him, and that there might be further actions in the future to prevent him from being inaugurated.
Did he really not expect Indonesians to be perplexed by his statement? Right after the bombing, we were already speculating on what had happened. Not knowing who exactly to point our fingers at, we blamed whoever was convenient for us. One would expect the president to defuse such speculation and conflict; he did exactly the opposite. Already, the virtual world is buzzing about tension between the president’s supporters, who are finding ways to justify his words, and his staunch detractors, who insist that SBY has proven Indonesians made the wrong choice in the election.
SBY’s decision to disclose intelligence data, including photographs showing people using his picture for target practice — an effort to support his theory about the suspects’ motive — is also difficult to understand. One wonders if he has compromised intelligence work by revealing such information, or just why there had been no action taken prior to the bombings if the intelligence was indeed valid. Personally, I would be surprised if there was a head of state in the world today whose picture is not used as target practice by some people somewhere.
Several of the president’s aides have tried to argue that all the president was trying to do was emphasize that the investigation should be carried out by taking into account all possibilities. If that was the case, the president could have simply said, “The truth of the matter is that we don’t yet know the real motive behind the bombings. At this point it is very dangerous for us to speculate, and I strongly urge all parties to refrain from doing so. We need to allow the investigation to take its course, for only until it is carried out in full will we begin to understand what really happened.”
That way, in careful fashion, SBY could have defused speculation, cautioned the public that the bombings may turn out to have some connection with the election — a point he seemed to really want to make — and could have even sent a warning that any attempt to provoke political unrest would most certainly be met with hostility by the already agitated public.
Yet these are testing times not only for the president, but also for the rest of the leadership, including those entrusted to be the de facto opposition to the government. The public will assess their response — both in words and actions — to SBY’s statements, and an outright condemnation of the president’s words may not necessarily strike the right chord with the public, the overwhelming majority of whom after all voted for him.
This is a pivotal moment for the political opposition as much as it is for the president and his administration. Democratic Indonesia will remember how leaders reacted to the crisis and will pass judgment at the ballot box. The grieving, frightened and enraged Indonesians will be drawn to those who offer solace, clear direction and a sense of safety.
During a difficult time like this, we turn to our leaders. We expect them to acknowledge our grief and fear, to assure us that they will do everything in their power to find out who is responsible for causing harm to our loved ones, to ensure no further conflict arises from the tragedy and to remind us that while we need to be vigilant, we should not engage in baseless speculation and blame each other.
We shall soon see whether our leaders can live up to our expectations.
Rivandra Royono is executive director of the Association for Critical Thinking and a consultant for the World Bank in Jakarta.
14.53 | 0 Comments
jakarta news
Aleksius Jemadu
Tackling Bombs Will Require Taking a Closer Look at Ideas
Democracy and terrorism can never coexist, as they develop around totally different kinds of power. While the former seeks popular consent as the basis of political power, the latter is based on violence and the spread of panic and fear.
Until the bomb attacks at the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels last Friday, the government had managed, since 2005, to prevent a major terrorist attack. Many people thought that with the execution of the three Bali bombers and the arrest of many members of terrorist groups that there was no longer a threat to our national security.
Unfortunately, such an assumption was entirely wrong and now we have to accept the fact that terrorist networks still operate and recruit members in the country in order to do their business whenever an opportunity arises.
The bomb attacks indicate that no matter how rigorously we defend our national security, there is always a way for terrorists to find loopholes in our security system and conduct their deadly attacks.
There has been much discussion among experts on how to deal with the issue of terrorism in order to preserve our young democracy. Before the most recent attacks, the government had been praised by the international community for its success in disrupting the activities of local terrorist networks and for jailing some of their leading figures.
Now the government has to rethink its whole approach in dealing with the issue of terrorism. It is not enough to have a sophisticated police squad and system of gathering intelligence. Those important factors should be complemented by a societal approach to prevent the recruitment of suicide bombers in the first place.
So far, our national security system has focused too much on the idea of deterrence. We have produced a tough anti-terrorist bill and those who are convicted of an act of terrorism will get a maximum sentence of the death penalty.
The normal expectation is that by introducing the threat of the death penalty, would-be terrorists will think twice before acting.
But the heart of the matter is that we’re dealing with people who are prepared to do away with this earthly life. They even openly express a strong desire to have that particular kind of death on the basis of a certain belief system.
Thus, deterrence becomes meaningless. So much so that the more we strengthen this strategy of deterrence, the more the suicide bombers will challenge and fight it.
This is exactly the reason why security alone is not enough and why it can become a boomerang if the excessive use of that approach leads to the alienation of civil society groups — groups that otherwise would constitute reliable allies in accomplishing the government’s policy objectives.
Of course, Indonesia is not in the same category as Iraq or Pakistan, where over the last couple of years there has been a high frequency of suicide bomb attacks against the government and Western targets.
We have reason to remain optimistic that the majority of Indonesians still prefer to achieve their political goals through peaceful means. This was proven by the high level of participation in the legislative and presidential elections this year.
On top of that, major religious-based civil society groups have categorically rejected the use of religious teachings to justify political violence. Thus, there is a solid social foundation of democracy on which we can build a strong tradition of political civility in our society.
However, the occurrence of terrorist attacks is not only determined by domestic factors. External contingencies, like the increase of Western military power in Pakistan and Afghanistan, may continue to inspire local networks of terrorism to retaliate here.
The very nature of terrorism as political violence consists of two interrelated factors: The act of terrorism itself and the ideological predisposition that gives birth to such acts.
If the government wants to increase the effectiveness of its anti-terrorist policy, it must address not only the act of terrorism but also the ideological predisposition that is so prevalent in some sectors of our society.
Unfortunately, both the government and our political parties have failed to encourage social participation, which is extremely important in transforming the minds of the people from violent proclivities to the primacy of social and political reasonableness.
It is now clear that the government cannot work alone in overcoming the terrorist threat. If the government fails to change the indifference of its social partners, we may experience more deadly attacks in the future.
Aleksius Jemadu is acting dean of the School of Social and Political Sciences at Pelita Harapan University.
14.47 | 0 Comments
jakarta news
Farouk Arnaz & Dwayne Carruthers
Friends and family mourn Garth McEvoy in Jakarta on Tuesday. McEvoy, an Australia national, was killed in last week's hotel bombings. (AP Photo/Irwin Fedriansyah)
Police Trailed Jakarta Bomb Suspect In 2007
The suspected suicide bomber in last week’s attack at the JW Marriott Hotel had been on the police’s wanted list since 2006 and was under police surveillance when he managed to disappear in 2007, a police source said on Tuesday.
The police source told the Jakarta Globe on condition of anonymity that the suspect, who is also suspected of involvement in the planning of the 2003 bombing of the Marriott, first came to the attention of police following a 2006 raid on the Central Java hideout of Noordin Mohammad Top, the alleged leader of a Jemaah Islamiyah faction.
The suspect was located following another raid in 2007, and was placed under surveillance in the hope that he would lead police to Noordin. However, the suspect disappeared.
National Police Chief Bambang Hendarso Danuri over the weekend identified one of the two suspected suicide bombers in Friday’s twin attacks only as “N,” saying he didn’t want to compromise the investigation.
Police sources later named the suspect, who they said had checked into a room at the Marriott, as 35-year-old Nur Rusdi, also known as Nur Hasbi and Nur Sahid.
National Police spokesman Brig. Gen. Sulistyo Ishak confirmed that on Monday Nur’s parents were taken away by police officers from their village in Temanggung, Central Java, to have DNA samples taken.
Sulistyo said police had also taken DNA samples from the family of a Ritz-Carlton Hotel employee named Ibrahim who had been missing for several days. Ibrahim is from Cirebon, West Java.
“His family came to us and reported that they have lost contact with Ibrahim,” Sulistyo said, without providing details.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, a police investigator told the Globe, “We still have to wait for the DNA testing to see whether Nur was the suicide bomber at the Marriott, but we have actually been looking for him since April 2006 after we raided the suspected hideout of” Noordin in Wonosobo, Central Java.
The investigator said Noordin escaped the raid, but police shot a man named Abdul Hadi, who was believed to have helped recruit Asmar Latin Sani, a suicide bomber involved in the 2003 attack on the Marriott, and bomb maker Jabir.
Police also arrested Salahuddin Sutowijoyo, who was involved in the 2002 Atrium Senen Mall bombing.
“After the raid we had specific information about Nur’s role in several previous terror networks and attacks,” he said.
He said Nur was also believed to be involved in the preparations for the first Marriott bombing, together with Abdul Hadi.
The police source said Asmar Latin Sani, Abdul Hadi and Nur all attended the Ngruki Islamic Boarding School in Solo, Central Java, together. Nur was also believed to be a member of Laskar Khos — meaning “special force” in Arabic — a faction of the Al Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiyah. He is believed to have been responsible for multiple attacks across Indonesia.
Police said Nur was also linked to two other terrorist suspects: Ahmad Basyir Umar, who was arrested in Surabaya, East Java, in March 2006; and Kholili, who was captured in Semarang, Central Java, in November 2005.
In March 2007, Nur’s name appeared once again when police fatally shot Agus Mahmudi in Sleman, Yogyakarta.
“After we apprehended several terrorist suspects we found that Nur also had links with them,” the police source said.
Nur was almost arrested in Klaten, Central Java, where his mother-in-law lives.
“But our commander at the time changed the plan and ordered us instead to follow him until he led us to Noordin,” the source said.
Police followed Nur to Kendal, near the Central Java capital of Semarang, but Nur managed to slip away.
Another source said the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) had alerted the National Police about Nur two years ago in connection with their surveillance of the so-called Palembang terrorist cell, which was broken up in 2008.
“But the police didn’t have any evidence to arrest Nur, so they didn’t,” the source said.
Meanwhile, two bodies at the police hospital in East Jakarta from Friday’s bombings were likely those of two Dutch nationals, Sulistyo said.
“We are waiting for DNA samples from their families,” he said.
If confirmed, the number of foreigners killed in the twin bomb attacks would rise to six.
14.32 | 0 Comments
Bomb wrecks top Jakarta hotel
Forensic teams have been searching the debris for evidence |
The blast severely damaged five floors of the American-run hotel, shattering glass and damaging cars parked outside.
Indonesian Defence Minister Matori Abdul Jalil said it was a bomb attack and "clearly an act of terrorism".
At least one foreigner, the executive of a Dutch bank, is among the dead.
About 120 people from a range of nationalities are said to have been injured.
Earlier reports that nationals from the US, Australia and Malaysia had been killed have not been confirmed.
The governor of Jakarta, Sutiyoso, said the explosion was "very likely" to have been carried out by a suicide bomber. These conditions are similar to the bombings in Bali
Police chief General Da'i Bachtiar said there were similarities between Tuesday's attack and the devastating blast in Bali last October which left 202 people dead.
Police have said that in Bali, a suicide bomber detonated his bomb moments before an explosives-laden van blew up across the street.
Police say the Jakarta bomb is thought to have been inside a Toyota car parked outside the lobby of the hotel, which is located near foreign embassies and office blocks.
The explosion came during a busy lunchtime in the commercial part of city.
Burned bodies lay amid pools of blood in the street among the shattered glass and twisted metal as flames and black smoke billowing up the building, correspondents say.
The BBC's Becky Lipscombe, reporting from the scene, said seven or eight wrecked cars littered the area around the entrance. People started to panic and tried to get downstairs as soon as possible
A cafe on the ground floor appeared to have borne the brunt of the blast, she said.
Witnesses said chaotic scenes followed the enormous explosion.
One woman in the hotel said she saw people running from offices holding their burning faces. Another witness said he was blown across the room by the force of the blast.
Madina Sar-Diarra, who lives in an apartment at the top of the hotel, told the Associated Press news agency that windows 30 floors up were shattered.
"It was a panic and once downstairs, I saw several injured people, especially cooks of the restaurant, covered in blood."
The Dutch citizen killed in the blast was Hans Winkelmolen, 49, president of PT Rabobank Duta Indonesia, a subsidiary of the Dutch co-operative bank Rabobank.
Bank spokesman Jan Dost said Mr Winkelmolen went to Jakarta in 2000 and was due to return to the Netherlands at the end of August.
"It's unbelievable and very sad," he said. "We are shocked, and very sorry for the wife and two sons he leaves behind."
Presidential visit
Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri, who recently vowed to destroy terror networks in the world's largest Muslim nation, visited the scene of the attack on Tuesday, but made no comment to reporters.
The government has said it will not give in to terrorism and announced unspecified restrictions to prevent further attacks.
The United States urgently renewed its calls for Americans in Indonesia to follow tighter personal security measures.
The BBC's Rachel Harvey says it is not yet clear who was behind the attack, but suspicion will inevitably fall on the group also blamed for the Bali bombings, an extremist Islamic organisation called Jemaah Islamiah.
Tuesday's blast came just two days before the expected verdict in the trial of a key suspect, Amrozi bin Nurhasyim.
Security has been tight in Indonesia since the bombings, and authorities have warned of similar threats.
14.18 | 0 Comments
Thriller Era
The Thriller years, 1982- 1984, would see Michael Jackson reach worldwide super stardom. Michael dominated the world of music, setting new standards and producing the biggest selling album of all time."
In June 1982, Michael Jackson started recording the ET Storybook. Quincy Jones would produce it; based on Steven Spielberg’s movie ET: The Extra Terrestrial. In addition to narrating, Michael would also record a single called “Someone in the Dark” to accompany the story. The book would be an instant hit when released in November 1982, and would also win Michael a Grammy Award in 1984 for “Best Album for Children”. |
Around the same time, Michael wrote and produced a song for Diana Ross called “Muscles”. It became a top ten hit for Diana and was nominated for a Grammy Award.
Prior to beginning work on the Thriller album, Michael Jackson teamed up with Paul McCartney to collaborate on 3 songs- “The Man”, “Say, Say, Say” and “The Girl Is Mine”. “Say, Say, Say” was included on Paul’s 1983 album Pipes of Peace and became a number one single in the U.S. “The Girl is Mine” was released as a single in August 1982 and was included on Michael’s Thriller album.
Michael started recording the Thriller album in April 1982. Originally to be called Starlight, the album included 4 original songs by Michael, (“Billie Jean”, “Beat It” and “Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’”, “The Girl Is Mine”), 3 songs by Rod Temperton (“Thriller”, “Baby Be Mine” and “The Lady In My Life”), a ballad by Toto (‘Human Nature”), and an infectious pop tune by James Ingram and Quincy Jones (“P.Y.T (Pretty Young Thing)”). Amongst the brilliant songwriters Michael collaborated with, he also teamed up with Eddie Van Halen for a guitar solo on “Beat it”, Vincent Price for a rap on “Thriller” and his sisters, LaToya and Janet Jackson for additional vocals on “P.Y.T”. Pressure mounted as the deadline for the finish of the Thriller album approached and initially the mixes of the songs were rushed and not good enough to be released. The deadline was extended and the mixes perfected. The highly anticipated Thriller was finally released on November 30th 1982. |
Michael’s original plan for the album was to include 3 music videos or “short films” for “Billie Jean”, “Beat It” and “Thriller”. “Billie Jean” was released as the album’s second single on January 22 1893. The music video was given a budget of $250,000 and was directed by Steve Baron. The concept came from both director and artist and proved to be very successful. After 3 weeks, “Billie Jean” hit the number one spot in the U.S.
At this time, MTV (or Music Television) rarely played black artists on their daily rotation. Michael Jackson was one of the first to get played on the station and the first to get played in “heavy rotation” (i.e. several times a day) with the video for ‘Billie Jean”. MTV started “heavy rotation” for the “Billie Jean” music video in March 1983. The video for ‘Beat It” would follow this trend. Many in the music industry have commented that it was Michael’s breakthrough with the channel that started other black artists’ music videos being played on MTV and also bolstered the station’s popularity.
Thriller’s sales soared and it was the first time an album would be at number one in the USA and the UK at the same time.
While “Billie Jean” was still at the top of the charts, the album’s third single was released; “Beat It”, on March 5, 1983. The short film for “Beat It” was paid for and conceptualised by Michael Jackson himself. It was directed by Bob Giraldi and co-choreographed by Michael Jackson and Michael Peters. The cast included 100 members of real street gangs and cost an estimated $150,000. “Beat It” became number one the week after its release and Michael Jackson became the first black artist to have the number one album and single simultaneously in the US and the UK.
On March 25th 1983, Michael performed on the television show: Motown 25: Yesterday, Today and Forever. The show would not air until May 16th 1983. Approximately 47 million viewers tuned into the show to watch the many Motown acts perform as well as a special performance by Michael Jackson and his brothers; the original cast of the Jackson Five plus Randy. After an emotional performance of a medley of Motown hits with his brothers, Michael stole the spotlight with his incredible solo performance of ‘Billie Jean”. During the electrifying performance, Michael debuted his now signature dance move: the moonwalk. The performance received an overwhelming response from the live audience and viewers all over the world. Some say that this was the performance of Michael Jackson’s career and it would launch him into super-stardom over night. Through the medium of television, Michael had confirmed his position as an incredible entertainer among his fans and also reached millions of people who had never experienced Michael Jackson’s talent as a singer and dancer. The performance sparked a new interest in the album Thriller and millions rushed to the store to purchase it. Michael’s Motown 25 performance was nominated for an Emmy award for “Best Individual Performance on a Variety or Music Program”. |
As a result of the surge in sales of the album Thriller, millions also purchased albums by other artists. Cash box magazine dubbed Michael Jackson ‘the saviour of the record business” and Michael was credited for increasing interest in music, particularly black music. Revenues for record sales were at their highest since 1978 and Michael was also mentioned for increasing CBS record sales profits by a whopping 101% in 1983 alone.
In May 1983, “Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’” was released and became Thriller’s forth number one single.
In June 1983 Michael fired his management. “Beat It” and “Billie Jean” still remained at the top of the charts and Michael took more care and more control in his business affairs. “Human Nature” and “P.Y.T” were released while Michael was planning the short film for “Thriller” and both became top 10 hits. The short film and single “Thriller” was released on 2nd December 1983. For the 14 minute short film, John Landis was hired to direct and Rick Baker for special effects make up. The film cost an estimated $1 million of Michael’s own money. To re-coup some of the budget costs, John Landis negotiated a deal with Showtime, MTV and Vestron to fund a 60 minute documentary on the making of the short film. Making Michael Jackson’s Thriller was aired in 1984 and sold on video tape. It became the biggest selling music video of all time, with estimated sales of 9 million as of 2006. Prior to the “Thriller” single release, the Thriller album sales had “slowed” to approx 200,000 copies a week The week after the single and short film was released, sales of the album soared and once again, Thriller was number one on the album charts. Estimated sales showed that the “Thriller” single and video resulted in an additional 14 million copies of the Thriller album being sold within a six month period. At this time, Michael hired a new manager; Frank Dileo, who would remain with Michael for five years |
On January 16th, 1984, Michael Jackson attended the 11th Annual American Music Awards. He won 8 awards, including “Favourite Male Pop/Rock Artist”, “Favourite Pop/Rock Album” for Thriller, “Favourite Soul/R&B Album” for Thriller as well as the Award of Merit.
On January 27, 1984, Michael was burned on the back of his head while filming a commercial with his brothers for the Pepsi Corporation. The magnesium smoke bombs used for the commercial were to blame; being only two feet away from either side of Michael’s head. A spark from one of the bombs set Michael’s hair alight and resulted in second and third degree burns his scalp. As a result of the incident and news coverage, both Pepsi and Michael’s sales soared. Pepsi paid Michael Jackson $1.5 million, which he immediately donated to a burn centre created in his name and honour. Two subsequent Pepsi commercials were debuted at the Grammy awards ceremony in 1984. |
On February 7th, 1984, Michael attended and collected a massive eight Grammy Awards from a staggering twelve nominations. Michael Jackson still holds the record for receiving the most Grammy Awards in a single year by an individual. He received seven awards for Thriller alone and one for The E.T. Storybook. Among the eight awards he received, he picked up “Record of the Year” for “Beat It”, “Album of the Year” for Thriller, “Best Pop Performance” for Thriller, and “Producer of the Year” for Thriller. |
In May 1984, Michael was asked to donate the song “Beat It” for anti drink driving advertisements. For donating the song and for his many achievements in recoding and charity, Michael was given a special award at a presentation at the White House by President Ronald Reagan.
In July 1984, Michael embarked on the Victory Tour with The Jacksons. The Tour started on July 16th in Kansas City and the Victory album was released on the same day. The tour consisted of 55 shows over 5 months in the United States and Canada. The tour was the biggest and most successful of its time and Michael announced at the start of the tour that he would be donating all of his profits to charity. It would be Michael’s last tour with the brothers. |
The Thriller campaign was officially shut down in 1984 and continued to sell a staggering amount of copies. By the end of 1984, Thriller had sold 33 million copies. Michael Jackson was inducted into the Guinness Book of World records as having the biggest-selling album of all time.
Today, Thriller is by far the biggest selling album of all time. It was re-certified in 2007 as having sold in excess of 104 million albums. It is estimated that Thriller sells approx 60,000 copies a year worldwide! Album sales aside, it still remains one of the most important and greatest albums of all time. It set many industry standards in recording and for the visual presentation of music.
In January 1985, Michael was asked to participate in an all-star recording to raise funds for charity United Support of Artists for Africa. U.S.A for Africa would raise funds to administer essential supplies and famine relief in Africa. Michael, who has always been sensitive to the plight of Africa, was so excited about the song that he offered to write it with Lionel Ritchie./p>
Michael and Lionel worked for a week at Michael’s Encino home and finally finished the music and lyrics for “We Are The World” the day prior to the scheduled recording of the song. The all-star cast to record the song included forty five chart topping artists. Quincy Jones was enlisted as producer and co-arranger with Tom Bahler.
The recording took place on 28th of January 1985. Michael told his fellow recording artists that night that “We Are The World” was a “love song to inspire concern about a faraway place close to home”. After the recording was finished, none of the artists were prepared for the impact the song would have. It was released on March 7th 1985 and sold approximately 800,000 copies in its first three days of release. The song stayed at number one in America for a month and enjoyed similar success in many other countries.
By 1986, the song had sold in excess of 7.5 million copies and raised $8 million dollars for famine relief. The song went on to win three Grammy Awards: “Song of the Year”, “Record of the Year” and “Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group”. It also won two American Music Awards: “Award of Appreciation” for Michael Jackson and “Song of the Year”.
In March 1985, Michael Jackson topped off an incredible era when he purchased ATV Music Publishing Company for $47.5 million. ATV’s music catalogue included the rights to more than 4000 songs, including 251 of The Beatles’ compositions. This purchase made Michael Jackson one of the top music publishers in the world and proved Michael to be a successful and savvy businessman at the age of 26.
03.03 | 0 Comments
Off The Wall Era
The Off The Wall years; 1978-1981, would see Michael Jackson grow up musically. He starred in his first major motion picture and he would set the first of many world records with his first solo album for Epic records.
In October 1978, Michael’s first motion picture was released, called “The Wiz”. The Wiz was a Motown and Universal motion picture soul adaptation of the book “The Wizard of Oz”. Michael auditioned for and gained the role of the scarecrow in the film and moved to New York with his sister LaToya in October 1977 for filming. Michael’s good friend Diana Ross starred as Dorothy in the film.
The Wiz cost approximately $24 million to make and was directed by Sidney Lumet. It featured hundreds of dancers, spectacular costumes, elaborate makeup and special effects. It was one of the most expensive films ever made and took over a year in production. Michael’s makeup for the scarecrow took five hours to apply each day.
When the film was released, it was unfortunately a box office failure. However, Michael’s performance in the film was critically praised and the film received four Academy Award nominations, including: Best Art Direction, Best Costume Design, Best Original Music Score and Best Cinematography. The film was released on home video in 1980 and today it has a large cult following.
Michael sang in 6 of the movie soundtrack’s songs, including “You Can’t Win” and “Ease on Down the Road”, both of which were released as singles in 1979. “You Can’t Win” was Michael’s first solo single for Epic records and it remained in the charts in the US for three weeks. The Soundtrack for The Wiz would mark the first time Michael would work with producer Quincy Jones.
Michael had mentioned to Quincy Jones while they were on the set of The Wiz that he was looking for a producer for his next solo album. Quincy recommended himself and quickly signed on to produce Michael’s first solo album in four years, to be called “Off The Wall”.
Michael and Quincy went into the studio in December 1978 and chose between hundreds of songs for the album. They collaborated with several musicians and writers who would become long time colleagues of Michael’s.
On July 28th 1979, Michael released the first single from the forthcoming album; “Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough”. The song was solely written by Michael and featured a spoken intro, a surprising falsetto voice and amazing percussion by Michael and his brother Randy. The song was released with a bright music video that featured Michael dancing in triplicate in the song’s bridge. It was his first “short film” and it was directed by Nick Saxon. The song went to number 1 in the US and Australia and was a top 10 hit in 6 countries.
On August 10th, Michael released the album Off The Wall. It was his fifth overall solo album, but his first ever for Epic records. The album was recorded between December 4 1978 and July 7, 1979. Michael contributed three songs to Off The Wall: “Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough”, “Working Day and Night” and “Get on the Floor” (co-written with Louis Johnson). Michael and Quincy sought top writers and musicians for the album, with Rod Temperton who contributed three tracks: “Rock With You”, “Off The Wall” and “Burn This Disco Out”, Paul McCartney contributed the playful “Girlfriend”, Tom Bahler gave the emotional “She’s Out of My Life” and Stevie Wonder and Susaye Greene offered the quirky “I Can’t Help It”. There was one duet between Michael and Patti Austin called “It’s the Falling in Love”, which was written by Carole Bayer Sager and David Foster.
The album was hailed as a major breakthrough for Michael, and received amazing reviews. The album went to number 3 in the US chart and number 1 on the US soul chart and stayed on the top 20 for a massive 48 weeks.
On August 29th, 1979, Michael Jackson turned 21. His management contract with his father’s company, Joseph Jackson Productions, lapsed and was not renewed. Michael wanted to take full control of his music and business affairs and he hired his own accountants, lawyers and management. Weisner and DeMann were signed on as Michael’s personal management.
In November 1979, the second single form the album, “Rock With You” was released. The music video, directed by Bruce Gowers, featured Michael in an all-sequinned suit and boots. The song quickly became a number one hit on the US charts.
Apart from “Rock With You” becoming one of 1980’s first number one hits, the Off The Wall album sales shot up and quickly became the third best selling album of 1980. The album also caught the attention of Michael’s peers and in January, Michael won his first Grammy award as a solo performer for “Best R & B Performance” for “Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough”. In the same month, Michael attended the American Music Awards and collected three more awards for the album: “Favourite Soul Album”, “Favourite Male Artist” and “Favourite Soul Single” for “Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough”. Michael also won four Billboard Awards for the album.
In the spring of 1980, Michael released the title track of the album, “Off The Wall”. The single went to number 5 in the US charts and became a top ten hit in four countries.
The fourth single released from Off The Wall landed Michael in the record books. “She’s Out of My Life” was an emotional ballad, accompanied by a simple music video, again directed by Bruce Gowers. The song itself required several takes as Michael would break down with emotion at the end of the song. The emotion was eventually left in and the song reached number 10 on the US chart and became a top 20 hit in four countries. Michael Jackson became the first artist in history to generate four top ten hits from an album.
The fifth and last single released was “Girlfriend”. It was only released in the UK and stayed in the top 50 there for five weeks.
1980 quickly became a busy year for Michael and he went back into the studio, this time with his brothers, The Jacksons, to record the album Triumph. Michael contributed to six of the album’s nine tracks. The album was released in September 1980 and it reached number one on the US R & B chart. “Lovely One” was the first single off the album. Also released before the end of 1980 was “Heartbreak Hotel”, completely written and arranged by Michael. The song’s title was changed to “This Place Hotel” to avoid confusion between the song and Elvis Presley’s hit song. The song reached number 2 on the US R&B chart.
Also in 1980, Michael and some of his family members were interviewed by Sylvia Chase for 20/20. It was a short televised interview, and Michael revealed his feelings about the stage and his career.
“Can You Feel It” was the third single released from the Triumph album, released in early 1981. It was supported by an amazing short film, directed by Robert Abel and loaded with special effects. It reportedly cost over $100,000 to make. The seven minute video was groundbreaking and the single was a top five hit in Europe. “Walk Right Now” was released soon after and reached number 7 in the UK.
On July 9, 1981, The Jacksons embarked on a 39-city tour of the US, starting in Memphis Tennessee, called the Triumph Tour. The show included pyrotechnics and special effects by magician Doug Henning. The Tour broke stadium records around the country and The Jacksons played to approximately 600,000 fans and grossed approximately $5.5 million. They also raised $100,000 for the Atlanta Children’s Foundation. The Madison Square Garden concert was recorded and released as an album called The Jacksons Live! 1981. The Tour ended with four record breaking sold out shows at the Los Angeles Forum in September.
By 1981, Michael’s Off The Wall album had sold an incredible 5 million copies. Today it is seen as one of Michael Jackson’s most important records. He had become the first artist in history to generate four number one singles off an album. He had also sold more records than any artist at a time when the record industry was experiencing a major slump in sales. To date, Off The Wall has sold over 20 million copies world wide. The album had started a 9 year partnership with producer Quincy Jones and had displayed Michael’s amazing song writing and vocal skills. The best was yet to come, as Michael was soon back in the studio, creating the biggest selling album of all time.03.01 | 0 Comments